LED Gloves

Doing delicate things in the dark can be tricky, I mean doing most delicate things in general can be tricky but in the dark, that’s another level. If you find yourself constantly having to prop up your phone in some manner just to get the light right where you need it, then these LED gloves have been made for you.
It’s simply really, a glove-like fixture that fits nicely on your hand and also have 2 50 lumen LED lights placed to shine light at where you’re pointing. The glove is adjustable to suit any size hand and it requires 2 batteries which give you plenty of life. Just strap it in and press the on button.
It’s prefect for dark tight spaces since you can easily adjust your figures into the right position. The glove is really light so you can wear it comfortable making it great for camping and other night time outdoor activities. Cool and practical gift for outdoor lovers.